
WW Fジャパンは、大和ハウス工業による森林破壊ゼロの達成に向けた木材調達の方針を歓迎します。








WWFジャパン 自然保護室 森林グループ Tel: 03-3769-1364 forest@wwf.or.jp

(英文)WWF Japan welcomes the timber procurement policy of Daiwa House in their efforts to achieve zero deforestation

WWF Japan welcomes the timber procurement policy of Daiwa House in their efforts to achieve zero deforestation.
WWF Japan also anticipates that the company’s suppliers, including plywood makers, trading companies, and equipment manufacturers, will develop and announce a procurement policy for sustainable forest products aiming to achieve zero deforestation.

On June 16, 2021, Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Daiwa House”) —one of the largest companies in the Japanese housing industry —announced a new timber procurement policy in order to achieve their goal of zero deforestation. WWF Japan welcomes the four initiatives set forth by Daiwa House listed below:

1.Purchase timber from suppliers committed to zero deforestation;
2.Purchase timber from suppliers who consider the rights and safety of the country of origin’s indigenous peoples and workers;
3.Purchase timber that ensures traceability; and
4.Expand the scope of the supplier survey.

The company’s policy requests that by 2030, suppliers develop policies pertaining to zero deforestation as well as workers’ and human rights, and timber procurement from suppliers that do not comply with this request will in principle be stopped. It is expected that many plywood makers, trading companies, and manufacturers of building materials will formulate policies to consider human rights and not contribute to deforestation.

Daiwa House’s additional efforts include ensuring more thorough traceability of the timber procurement process, as well as widening the scope of the zero deforestation initiative by adding formwork plywood panels, major equipment, fixtures, and interior finishing material to the procurement assessment criteria.

By engaging in ongoing dialogue with companies, WWF Japan seeks policies that realize responsible procurement practices. The implementation of Daiwa House’s zero deforestation policy is expected to make great progress in eliminating timber that contributes to deforestation or does not give due consideration to human rights, from their supply chain. The efforts will be also recognized for its contribution to Sustainable Development Goals.

WWF Japan is hopeful that through Daiwa House’s zero deforestation policy, the conservation of forests in various timber-producing regions around the world will lead to biodiversity conservation, and the rights of local communities and workers will be protected as well.


■For further information, please contact:
WWF Japan Conservation Division Forestry Group Tel: 03-3769-1364 forest@wwf.or.jp


